I am the Key to the access of information you need, providing excellent knowledge, resources, and most importantly, fiduciary support! It is time to take action in building generational wealth and creating great assets for a wealthy lifestyle with Key.
As a former professional in Human Resource Management and Disability, my success has stemmed from the essential skills needed, including facilitating interactive discussion, implementing business development and processes, financial analytics and strategies, performance and managing of contracts, and staying up to date with changes in compliances of federal, state laws and policies.
I have enhanced my communication abilities and cultivated a reputation as a major contributor through decision-making and innovation to positive outcomes. Holding a degree in Associate in Arts; a Major in Psychology and a Bachelor of Applied Science; Major in Business and Organizational Leadership gives me all the tools needed to meet and exceed my goals.
Holding skills of thorough investigation, understanding of contracts, and property research allow my clients to always be ahead of the herd. I strive for communication skills, educating clients on contractual terms, inspections, appraisal estimates, and comps as well as the history of the property assuring I am providing accurate information, engagements, and follow-ups.
I am the KEY to meeting your goals in all forms of real estate!